mo•ZEN•ber challenge

Why does fall always seem so short lived?! The foliage has officially fallen from the trees to the ground, and winter is creeping in on us quicker than we’d like to admit. With the days getting colder and shorter, we wanted to find a way to warm up your month at the studio.

So, we launched mo•ZEN•ber — giveaways of all things Zen (and some local food) throughout the month of November to keep you warm and active! We are always looking for new and creative ways to expand our studio and community. The mo•ZEN•ber challenge is a month-long event that brings a new raffle each week for members and non-members alike. Each day offers an opportunity for another entry, whether through social media or good old fashion word of mouth. An entry into the drawing comes by taking a class at the studio, bringing or referring a friend to the studio, or posting and tagging us in anything on social media!

As we wrap up our third week, we’re so excited about all the fun prizes we’ve given out so far and what more is to come! We kicked off the month with our first ever Zen Yoga merchandise: tanks, tees, sweatshirts for all our yogis to enjoy! In the first two weeks, first prize winners each week got the choice of a free tank or t-shirt, second prize winners received a $25 gift card to a local restaurants, Bareburger and Mazah, and third prize winners get $10 off their next purchase. The trend in goodies will continue for the next two weeks, and it’s never too late to hop on board!

We encourage all our yogis to spread the word about this month’s offerings and join us in the studio as much as you can! As always, we appreciate your love and support.

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